
Using Classes

In PHP, classes are defined using the class keyword followed by the class name and a pair of curly braces containing properties and methods. Properties represent the data or attributes associated with the class, while methods define the actions or behaviors that the class can perform. Once a class is defined, objects can be created from it using the new keyword, allowing developers to instantiate multiple instances of the same class with distinct properties and behaviors.

PHP supports the definition of static properties and methods within classes, which are shared across all instances of the class. Static members can be accessed using the :: scope resolution operator, allowing developers to perform class-wide operations and maintain shared state. Additionally, PHP allows the definition of class constants using the const keyword, providing a way to define immutable values that are accessible throughout the class.

These paragraphs provide an overview of using classes in PHP, covering essential concepts such as class definition, encapsulation, inheritance, static members, exception handling, and more. Understanding these principles is crucial for building robust and maintainable PHP applications using object-oriented programming techniques.