
PHP Boolean Variables


In PHP, a boolean variable is a data type that represents two possible states: true or false. Boolean variables are primarily used in conditional expressions, loops, and logical operations to control the flow of a program.






Boolean variables can be declared using the bool keyword followed by the variable name and an optional initial value of true or false. For example:



$isStudent = true;
$isEmployed = false;




Logical Operators



Boolean variables are often used in conjunction with logical operators such as && (and), || (or), and ! (not) to create complex conditions. For example:



$isStudent = true;
$isEmployed = false;

if ($isStudent && !$isEmployed) {
    echo "The person is a student but not employed.";





Conditional Statements



Boolean variables are commonly used in conditional statements like if, else, and elseif to execute different blocks of code based on the evaluation of boolean expressions.



Comparison Operators



Boolean values can also result from comparison operations, such as == (equal to), != (not equal to), > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equal to), and <= (less than or equal to).