
PHP Tags

PHP code is typically embedded within HTML documents using PHP tags. There are two primary types of PHP tags used to delimit PHP code:

  1. Standard PHP Tags: The standard PHP opening tag is <?php and the closing tag is ?>. Any PHP code between these tags will be executed by the server
  2. Short PHP Tags: Short tags provide a more concise syntax for embedding PHP code. The short opening tag is <? and the short echo tag is <?=, which is equivalent to <?php echo. However, the use of short tags is discouraged in newer PHP versions due to compatibility issues and potential conflicts with XML declarations.

​​​​​​​It's important to note that for the sake of compatibility and maintainability, it's recommended to use the standard PHP tags <?php and ?> consistently throughout your codebase. Additionally, ensure that your server configuration allows for the use of short tags if you choose to use them.