

Interfaces Usage

Interfaces in PHP are used to define a contract that classes must adhere to. They specify a set of method signatures that implementing classes must define. Interfaces are widely used in PHP for various purposes to promote code reusability, abstraction, and polymorphism. Here are some common usages of interfaces in PHP:

API Design

  • Interfaces are used to define the public API of a class or a library, specifying the methods that clients of the class/library can use.
  • By defining interfaces, developers can ensure consistency and compatibility across different implementations.


Dependency Injection

  • Interfaces are frequently used in dependency injection to decouple components and promote testability and flexibility.
  • Instead of depending on concrete implementations, classes depend on interfaces, allowing different implementations to be injected at runtime.


  • Interfaces enable polymorphic behavior, allowing objects of different classes to be treated interchangeably based on their common interface.
  • This allows for more flexible and extensible code, as clients can work with objects based on their interface rather than their specific implementation.

Customizable Behavior

  • Interfaces can define a set of methods that implementing classes must implement, providing a contract for customizable behavior.
  • Classes can implement interfaces to provide specific behavior while maintaining a common interface for clients to interact with.

Plugin Systems

  • Interfaces are commonly used in plugin systems to define a common interface that plugin classes must adhere to.
  • This allows developers to create plugins that extend the functionality of an application without modifying its core codebase.

Adapter Pattern

  • Interfaces can be used in conjunction with the adapter pattern to adapt the interface of one class to another interface that clients expect.

  • This allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together seamlessly.

Middleware in Frameworks

  • In PHP frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, interfaces are often used to define middleware contracts.
  • Middleware classes must implement specific interfaces to be compatible with the framework's middleware pipeline.