
Constant naming conventions

Naming conventions for constants in PHP are not strictly enforced by the language itself, but following common conventions can make your code more readable and maintainable. Here are some widely accepted naming conventions for constants in PHP:

Uppercase Letters

Constants are typically named using uppercase letters. This helps to easily distinguish them from variables.

Underscores for Spaces

Use underscores _ to separate words within the constant name. This improves readability compared to using camel case.

Meaningful Names

Choose descriptive names that clearly convey the purpose or meaning of the constant. This makes your code more understandable to others and to your future self.

Avoiding Abbreviations

Avoid abbreviations unless they are widely understood and unambiguous. Clear, descriptive names are preferred over cryptic abbreviations.

Here's an example of a constant declaration following these conventions:

define("MAX_ATTEMPTS", 5);

In this example:

  • MAX_ATTEMPTS is the name of the constant, written in uppercase letters with underscores separating words.
  • 5 is the value assigned to the constant.


Using this naming convention, it's immediately clear that MAX_ATTEMPTS represents the maximum number of attempts allowed.

Remember, while these conventions are widely accepted, the most important thing is consistency within your codebase. Choose a convention and stick to it throughout your project for clarity and maintainability.