
Advanced Mathematical Functions


Advanced mathematical functions in PHP provide functionality beyond basic arithmetic operations. These functions include trigonometric, logarithmic, rounding, random number generation, and other mathematical operations. Here's an overview of some advanced mathematical functions in PHP:

Trigonometric Functions

  • sin(): Returns the sine of a number.
  • cos(): Returns the cosine of a number.
  • tan(): Returns the tangent of a number.
  • asin(): Returns the arcsine of a number.
  • acos(): Returns the arccosine of a number.
  • atan(): Returns the arctangent of a number.


$angle = 45;
$sin_value = sin(deg2rad($angle));
// Convert degrees to radians
$cos_value = cos(deg2rad($angle));


Logarithmic Functions

  • log(): Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
  • log10(): Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
  • exp(): Returns Euler's number (e) raised to the power of a number.


$number = 10;
$natural_log = log($number);
$base10_log = log10($number);
$exp_value = exp($number);


Rounding Functions

  • round(): Rounds a floating-point number to the nearest integer.
  • ceil(): Rounds a floating-point number up to the nearest integer.
  • floor(): Rounds a floating-point number down to the nearest integer.


$float_number = 3.14;
$rounded = round($float_number);
$ceiled = ceil($float_number);
$floored = floor($float_number);